Just like it’s surroundings, the Morning Star pub is steeped in history, dating back to 1791 when it was commonly known as the Fighting Cocks public house. In 1841, after 50 years, and a change of name, the Morning Star was born. Nobody quite knows why the name changed; some believe it was a political move, with Morning Star later becoming a well-known left wing newspaper, whereas others are convinced it was an astrological decision to name the pub after the planets Mercury and Venus, who share the same name when they appear in the east before sunrise.  Since then the Morning Star has witnessed many events including the decline of local pubs and the arrival and departure of several landlords and landladies and other occupants:


1840 - Abraham Thomas

1856 - John Kirk

1877 - Thomas Fixter (d.1903)

1892 - William Perron (131 pubs recorded in Lincoln)

1901 - Thomas Stark

1911 -  Henry Rossington (125 pubs recorder in Lincoln)

1919 - John W W right

1928 - John (Jake) Smith

1937 - John (Jake) Smith and Arthur Edward Thornhill (Builder)

1954 - John (Jake) Smith (d. Dec 1954)

1955 - John Stratford Smith & Spencers Boot and Shoe Repairers

1990 - John Stratford Smith (rtd June 1990 d Nov 1996) (77 pubs recorded in Lincoln)

1991 - John and Josephine Askew

1995 - Alan and Sue Beer

1999 - John and Vanessa Lawrence

2010 - Vanessa Lawrence



Morning Star

The 'Morning Star' is the name given to the planet Venus when it appears in the east before sunrise.

Vinyl Nights

We have regular vinyl nights usually once a month.

Winter Log Fires

When the cold weather is upon us in the winter we have log fires every evening.


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